UNIT4. Network and internet

In this unit you will find out the answers to this questions: What isa computer network?, How would you describe the Internet?, What are the elements ofr an Internet address? How you can search for information on the Internet? What are the advantages and disagvantages of communication between computers?.
Theory and questions in this link: NETWORK


1. What is a computer network? Which is the simplest network?
Computer network is a set of hardware and software connected together by devices that send and receive electrical signals, electromagnetic waves or other means to transport data, in order to share information, resources and provide services.
The simplest network is two computers connected directly through a network cable.

2. How can a small computer network be created? 
A small network can  be easily created by connecting various computers to a device called swich. If necessary various switches can be connected together in order to create networks with even hundreds of computers. 

3. How does the star network configuration consist of? What advantage does it offer?
 Network configuration is a type of network connection, since all the cables come together at a central point, the switch. 
Its advantage is that in the event that one of the cables breaks, the problem only affects the computer using that cable.

4. What is the purpose of a switch?
A switch is a device to connect different computers to created a small network.
The purpose of the switch is to direct the traffic of the data among the different computers that if flows smoothly, like a policeman directing street traffic at an intersection. 

5. What is the most commonly used technology in small networks?
The star configuration, Wifi or Ethernet are the most commonly used in small networks.

6. What is the purpose of a network card? Where is it installed?
A network card is the divace that connect through a wire the computer to the switch.
It´s conncet a computer to a network card must be install. This card is a peripheral that acts an intermediary between the network and the computer. It is placed into one of the expansion siots of the motherboard. The card has a part into which the network cable connector is inserted.

7. A network card does not have to be installed in desktop computers or the more modern laptop. Why?
Because desktop computers and more modern laptops already come standard with a network card integrated into the motherboard.

8. What is a network card controller?
Network card controller is the dravier that you need to set up to controll the hardware.

9. What is a network protocol? Which is the most commonly used?
Network protocol is the set integrate into the computer´s operating system, although they must be activated in order for them to work: they don´t come activated by default. 
The most commenly used network protocol is called TCP/IP, the same that is used on the internet.


1. What is the purpose of a computer network?
Computer network are very useful because they make it possible for computers to be connected to each ohters.
Network computers can exchange all types of files very easily and quickly without having  to first store them onto a USB  memory or CD-ROM.

2. What is a shared folder? List three cases in which shared folder is used?
We simply need to created a folder on the hard drive and inform the opertagin system that this folder is to be a shared folder.

3. What is a server? What is a client?
Tha serve is a computer that provides a service (a file, program, printer conncetion...).
Client is a service that the computer requests.

4. Give two exaples of a shared hardware on a network.
 1. If one of the computer is connected to a printer, it can share this printer so that all the computers can use it.
 2. The sharing of a ADSL router.

5. What does sharing a networked program mean and what are the advantages?

6. Explain what a networked database is. What are its advantages? When is it used?

7. What is a specialized server?
Specialized server are  computers which are similar to PCs, but made with high-quality parts and designed so that they can be turned on for a long time without failing.


1. How can we connect a network to the internet?
To connect a network to the inerten the switch must be connected to a device called router, and the router to a telephone line.

2. What do routers do? Which are the most commonly used?
The routers interconnect two defferent networks.

3.  What are the characteristics of routers that are used in homes and small offices?
In netwokrs with just  a few computers, such as small office or home, you can use a router that already has the switch inside it. This routers usually have a Wifi wireless connection as well, which makes it possible to connect computers to the internet without using cables.

4. How can we tell if a router is a Wifi router?

5. What does a computer need to connect to a Wifi network?
In order for a descktop computer, laptop or other type of computer to connect to a wireless network, it needs a Wifi adapter.

6. What advantages does a Wifi connection offer? Do you know of any disadvantages?


1. What is a LAN? What does "LAN" stand for?
Local Area Networks. They are very fast networks, which normally use cables with copper conductors in order to communicate with the different machines or wireless connections, such as a wifi.

2. What is a WLAN?
Wireless Local Area Network. It is a data communication system very flexible wireless used as alternatives to the wired LAN or as an extension thereof. It uses RF technology that allows users greater mobility by minimizing wired connections. They are also very popular in homes to share Internet access among multiple computers.

3. Give two examples of a LAN.
1.A network within a building.
2. Passage of music from computer to phone via a USB cable.

4. What is a Metropolitan Area Network?

5. Exaplain a case where a MAN would be useful?

6. What is a Wide Area Network?

7. The Internet is an example of a Wide Area Network. Why?

8. Give an example of a WAN.

9. Draw a small diagram showing the three types of networks and the means of information transmission eachone of them uses most.


When you communicate with anther person you use a communication system where are the following elements: interlocutors, the messages, the means and the code. 
In ICT (Information and Communication Technology) you use a computer as a means, the users as the interlocutors, the files are the messages and the protocols as the type of codes that the computers use to understand each other.
A network is two or more computers connect to one another tha can share documents, files, printers, etc. Some networks have a powerful computer called a server which manages the network and stores most of the information. As well as there are terminals, which are less powerful computers that work with information received from the server.
A server basically consists of the following elements: the server, the terminals, a network card for each computer to transmit and to receive the data, a transmission means, a switch tha controlls and distributes the data the computers and the neccesary programs to transmit this information from one computer to another.

a) Copy and complete the table in your blog about these means of communication:

Text on a tape
Electric cable
Telephone line
Binary Code
A letter
Postal Services
Talk conversation
Telephone line/cable
 b) Do you know Morse code? The most famous message is SOS  ***---***. Transmit a message to your partner in morse touching his back quickly for the dots and longer for the dashes. Look at the code on the internet and copy it into your blog. Write down your name with this code.

 .-. .- --.- ..- . .-.. /  -.-. .- ... .. .-.. -.. .- ... /  --. --- -- . --.. 


The Internet is a huge network of networks, interconected worldwide.
When we go into the Internet we connect our computer to a server. There are millions of servers all over the world each of them identified bya a domain name (eg. www.terra.es). The generic top-level domains consist of two or three letters is used to indicate the locations, organisation or field tha this website belons to (e.g. es,org, com, net, edu, ...)

A) WEB PAGES:  these are enriched text documents with many format options. The are divided into frames and can include images and other multimedia elements, eg. sound or video files. Web pages include links to different parts. These web pages have the extension HTML and it is necesary a browser to be readed.

B) BLOGS AND WIKI PAGES: Blogs and wiki pages are special types of web pages. Blogs contain articles from one or several authors. The most recent entry appears first on the page. Wiki pages can be created and modifield by different users from their browser. Any can participate in creating and editing the information (eg. Wikipedia).

C) E_MAIL (ELECTRONIC MAIL): enables us to send and receive messages that contain either text alone to text multimedia elements.There are two types of email: POP or WEB Email.

D) SOCIAL NETWORK. A virtual communicaty is a group of people who communicate and have relationship in a virtual space: tuenti, facebook, myspace, orkut, etc.

E) OTHERS: Chats, Forums, P2P networks, FTP, IP Telephony, Instant messaging.

1.- Find out about these programs: PIDGIN, OPERA, EUDORA, ARES, COFFECUP, AMAYA, PEGASUS MAIL, BITTORRENT.What Internet service are the desingned for?

2.- Using Google Docs or Hotmail Docs, work with a classmate and create a glossary of terms related to computers security that includes entries such as: virus, antivirus, firewall, compunter worm, trojan, malware, hoax, etc. ..share this file with its link and put it into your WebBlog.

1.- Go to the home page of Nominalia  www.nominalia.com  and find a form wher you can check if a domain name is registered or not. Try with different names and compares your findings with the rest of the class. 

2.- Create a simple web page using HTML programing: LINK: Códido HTML

3.- Create a web page using for example www.everyoneweb.es (or http://sites.google.com) that offers the opportunity of creating a web page direcly on the web site, working from the browser and without installing any programs on your computer.

1.- Create a wiki.

http://www.uv.es/jac/guia/  (Guía Código HTML)

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